Notes & Collections
"What I cannot create, I do not understand." -- R. Feynman
(Last updated: Dec 2024)
Teaching and other notes
Lecture notes for PHYS 7143: Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Fall 2024: Student presentations, homework problems designed by students and supplementary readings.
The Chinese translation of Memories of a Theoretical Physicist by Joseph Polchinski:《一名理论物理学家的回忆》.
A personal list of papers
If you're a student interested in joining my group, you can consider reading one of these papers and presenting it to me in DETAIL.
Onishi and Fu: Fundamental bound on topological gap
Kryhin, Sachdev and Volkov: Strong non-linear response of strange metals
Iqbal and McGreevy: Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries.
Thorngren, Vishwanath and Verresen: Intrinsically Gapless Topological Phases.
Kapustin and Seiberg: Coupling a QFT to a TQFT and duality
Beni Yoshida: Exotic topological order in fractal spin liquid.