
(Last updated: Dec 2024)

He who has a "why" to live can bear almost any "how".    

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Advisors and Advisees

With my thesis committee, University of Utah, spring 2019. From left to right: Christoph Boehme, ZXL, Yong-Shi Wu (advisor), Mikhail E Raikh, Oleg A Starykh, Yuan-Pin Lee

With my postdoc advisor Leon Balents (left) and collaborator Urban F P Seifert (right). University of California at Santa Barbara, spring 2022.

With my postdoc advisors Ashvin Vishwanath (left) and Subir Sachdev (right). Harvard University, summer 2024.

My son took this photo of me playing civilization with my graduate student Bader Aldossari (left), undergraduate student Sergey Blinov (right), and my postdoc Shijun Sun (second right). Georgia Institute of Technology, Fall 2024.

Up in the air

I began learning aerial silks regularly since Summer 2021. I'm trying to do invert straddle climb neatly. 

I'm a starter at climbing/bouldering and practice very irregularly.

Sent my name to Mars together with the 2020 Perseverance. 

Went skydiving on my 27th birthday.

13,000 feet, 60 seconds freefall.

Back to earth

Seasons at the President Circle, University of Utah, 2014-2019.